Aiden's Story
Aiden, an experienced teacher, felt he should attend Bring a Child to Therapy as his observations had been getting worse in recent terms.
Session One
After they discussed the Bring a Child to Therapy contract, Phil asked Aiden how he felt about coming to the sessions.
"Well, you've got to really, haven't you? I've been teaching for some time now, and you have to keep up with a lot of change. Of course it all goes round in circles but you always try to keep up with the latest thing, and this seems like it's the latest thing for this month."
"Ok, tell me some more about that."
"Well you're young so you won't have seen it go round, but I can tell you they keep on reinventing the wheel and you've got to go along with it. Truth is I've been teaching a long time and I've always been good at what I do. I believe I still am. But I don't fit in any more - they're telling me I'm not doing things right - things like the new marking policy, or feedback or whatever they're calling it this time. But anyway I'm moaning along"